The Maria Bonnier Dahlin Foundation Grant Recipients 2024

11 dec 202426 jan 2025

The grant recipients will be presented in a comprehensive exhibition at Bonniers Konsthall, providing them with an opportunity to present their works on a larger scale, and for new and unexpected dialogues to arise between their artistic practices.

The 2024 grant recipients will be announced on August 23. This year’s guest jury includes the artist and former grant recipient Jacob Dahlgren, and Chief Curator, Moderna Museet, Fredrik Liew. The jury is presided over by Christel Engelbert, who has been the Foundation’s chairman since 2016 and manages the fund.

The Maria Bonnier Dahlin Foundation was established by Jeanette Bonnier in 1985 in memory of her daughter, Maria, who lost her life in a car accident at the age of 20. Since then, the Foundation has always sought out the new and innovative, and several of those who have received the grant are now some of Sweden’s most renowned contemporary artists.

Read more here.

Image: Keith Harring, For Maria June 1985