In Search of the Lost Self

14 may17 jun 2007

With these questions in mind, we invited students in their fourth and fifth years of study at any Swedish art institution. The response was tremendous, and out of the hundreds of art student studios that we visited, 15 of these artists were invited to participate in the exhibition In Search of the Lost Self – 15 Art Students.

Our intention has been to focus on a recurring theme we believe exists amongst the artists we’ve chosen to work with, primarily the search of the lost self. This includes one’s right to an individual space, the right to withdraw from others and look both forwards and backwards, inside and outside. In this retrospective movement, the journalistic meets the biographical, the scientific encounters the fictional. Contemporary story-telling has become a private endeavour, in much the same way that private recollections have entered the public sphere. We have chosen to put on an exhibition which represents both our search for the artist, as well as the artist’s search for the self. We are all in search of the lost self.

Participating artists:
Maria Bajt
Cedric Bomford
Carl Boutard
Kira Carpelan
Diana De Aguinaga Pettersson
Leander Djønne
Maja Hammarén
Daniel Hoflund
Goran Hassanpour
Andreas Kurtsson
Malin Pettersson Öberg
Lovisa Ringborg
Gustav Sparrn
Frida Tebus
Markus Öhrn

In Search of the Lost Self, 2007. Photo: Bonniers Konsthall