Swedish PEN: Banned books, banned words

Wed 6 sep 20237:00 pm

A wave of book banning is sweeping across libraries in the US, and in Hungary bookshops are not allowed to display children’s books on LGBTQI themes. In Sweden, Drag Queen Story Hour is criticised and Lucia processions with trans people are stopped. Meanwhile, publishers are appointing so-called sensitivity readers, and words and expressions are edited out or replaced. What is the difference? Who is being protected, and against what? Where do we draw the line between adapting works for target groups and censorship? And who gets to interpret the situation?

Participants: Pelle Andersson, Publishing Director at Ordfront, Ulrika Caperius, Publisher at Bonnier Carlsen, and Mattias Järvi, Librarian at Mångkulturellt Centrum. Moderator: Katarina Bjärvall, Board Member of Svenska PEN, Author, and Journalist.

Bonniers Konsthall has a long-standing collaboration with Swedish PEN and organises several seminars every year to spread knowledge about and commitment to freedom of expression.

In Swedish, free entrance.