What is the state of contemporary art in 2009? To find out, our curator Camilla Larsson spent the past year visiting artists in their studios. On 29 April the result of this year’s investigation will be presented, revealing a connection between emerging contemporary artists and the Swedish art world of the early 1980s. Work by 11 artists, all at the beginning of their careers, will be displayed in the Rummaging exhibition that unites both the ‘80s and the ‘00s, as well as form and relationships. The participating artists and their predecessors share an interest in space, form and material. Just as in the ‘80s, today’s artists explore art’s proximity to choreography, music and new media, as well as viewing art as a possible meeting place. Rummaging combines monumental installations, ambiguous sculptures, real-time videos and shadow plays. As viewers we are invited to step into the physically tangible works in the exhibition.
Rummaging’s retake on a bit of the 1980s should not be understood as a nostalgic looking back and a longing to regain lost ground. Nor is it as an attempt to re-establish power positions and taste hierarchies that have already been renegotiated. Rather, it is a gesture that, on the contrary, short-circuits all notions of linear development.
Camilla Larsson, Curator

The exhibition is part of Bonniers Konsthall’s commitment to young Swedish contemporary art, which springs from the Maria Bonnier Dahlin Foundation’s tradition of supporting young visual artists and artistic work. The Foundation, which is the basis of Bonniers Konsthall, has awarded grants to young Swedish artists every year since 1985.
The ‘80s meets the ‘00s in a series of discussions, performances and gigs. Those taking part include the exhibiting artists and leading figures from the 1980s Swedish art scene.
Rebirth 6 May 6pm
What do the ‘80s look like through the rear-view mirror? Conversation in Swedish with artist Cecilia Edefalk and author Carl-Johan Malmberg. Gavin Maycroft (Mother) DJs.
Presence 20 May 6pm
Legendary choreographer Margaretha Åsberg recollects what the ‘80s meant to her. Speaking about her work, she will screen portions of choreographed pieces Life Boat and Pyramids. Åsberg is a trend-setting figure within the Swedish dance scene, and has consistently worked closely with visual artists in her own unique fashion.
Artists Fredrik Auster and Viggo Mörck stage their performance When time falls off the walls, with dancer Emma Kim Hagdahl. Gavin Maycroft (Mother) DJs.

Destruction 10 June 6pm
For the final Wednesday evening, artist Max Book takes to the stage. As one of Sweden’s most significant artists from the ’80s, working as both a member of the Wallda Group and in the band Mercedes Prata, here he provides us with a glimpse of his ’80s, where music was a vital part of the art scene.
The evening continues with gigs by Mitt hjärta är en bomb, Floe Fountain, The Toilet and The Black Bug in Gabo Camnitzer’s installation Primal Intervals. Gavin Maycroft (Mother) DJs.