Chiara Bersani / Seeking Unicorns

Sun 12 nov 20233:00 pm

Do you dare meet the eye of the unicorn when it stands before you? Over the centuries, the mythological unicorn has been associated with the pope, magic and sorcery, but it has also become a modern icon of popular culture and a guardian of young girls’ virtue. The unicorn has come to symbolise whiat we have wanted it to, without knowing anything about its origins or genesis. In her work Seeking Unicorns, the Italian choreographer Chiara Bersani blends dance and performance art to provide this animal with a history, a choice and, above all, love. 

For her, the meeting of her body with the audience is highly political:You aren’t the one interpreting me, I’ll show you the way to understand me. I take the responsibility to draw the image that the world will have of myself. 

The choreographer Chiara Bersani was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta – a congenital brittle bone disease. She now presents her first solo work at Bonniers Konsthall in association with Dansens Hus. 

Bookings: Sunday 12 November 

Image: Chiara Bersani, Seeking Unicorns. Photo: Alice Brazzit


Regular 200 SEK
Youth 100 SEK
Scenpass 180 SEK

Bonniers Konsthall is delighted to announce a collaboration with Dansens Hus, Sweden’s major stage for guest performances of contemporary dance, in autumn 2023 and spring 2024.